At last year’s OpenCon, organized by the ever-energetic Jon Tennant, I chatted a bit with Stephanie Dawson from ScienceOpen. They’re setting up a web-of-knowledge on steroids, where you can search for any kind of research article, comment, share and curate collections. We thought it might be useful to have a collection on SAXS there, and so I decided to start one. After a few false starts, I made one, with papers that might be good for those starting out in SAXS.

The collection is here, if you want to take a look: https://www.scienceopen.com/collection/SAXS:Intro
It’s a curated collection, which means we can add and remove (replace) papers at any time, leaving comments and reviews on the papers and the collections. At the moment, I have filled it with a few papers I found useful, but my mind is already too eroded from years in SAS to, perhaps, view these with a pristine eye. So if you know of a paper that helped you greatly in your first steps in SAXS, please let me know by e-mail or in comments!
I may add additional collections later on in order to keep track of other classes of SAXSy papers, but for now, my work can only handle this tiny amount of extra work. It would be nice having a collection on funny applications of SAXS as well, which I’ve set up but haven’t added any papers to yet. That one is here: https://www.scienceopen.com/collection/SAXS:Applications , and an additional one for SAXS software: https://www.scienceopen.com/collection/SAXS:Software
I can add up to five editors per collection, so if you think you’d like to help, and you can whittle away some time from your other duties, let me know! We don’t get anything for this, except for the pleasure of lowering the barriers to SAXS.
I’d like to see more things related to surface area determination and pore size distribution. We are going to be doing a bunch of porous materials, and so that would be important. I don’t know how well McSAS would cope, as the pores would stretch beyond the range of our instrument.
Thing’s I’ve gotten so far:
Spalla, O., S. Lyonnard, and F. Testard. 2003. “Analysis of the Small-Angle Intensity Scattered by a Porous and Granular Medium.” Journal of Applied Crystallography 36 (2): 338-347. doi: 10.1107/S0021889803002279.
Hurd, A. J., D. W. Schaefer, D. M. Smith, S. B. Ross, A. Le Méhauté, and S. Spooner. 1989. “Surface Areas of Fractally Rough Particles Studied by Scattering.” Physical Review B 39 (13): 9742-9745. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.39.9742.
Good idea, I’ll look at those papers and add them to the “applications”