There is a very important meeting coming up soon for all those who dedicate themselves to excellence in small-angle scattering, and I for one, am very excited about this one. The canSAS-VIII meeting is full of interesting people giving interesting talks, complemented by plenty of (friendly) discussion sessions that are going to clarify the heading of the data reduction efforts.

Therefore, I would like to quote Paul Butler’s announcement of the meeting:
” As previously announced, the canSASVIII meeting will be held at JPARC April 14-16, 2015. Registration is still open at cansas8.cansas.org. Note that the deadline for the JPARC tour registration Has been extended to Friday March 20.
” The loss of the small-angle scattering mailing list (sa_scat) in late January has made it challenging to get announcements to the community. We are thus sending this to as many people as we could find email addresses for quickly and we ask for your help in spreading the news by sharing this with everyone you know who might be interested. Feel free also to post to appropriate mailing lists, bulletin boards etc.
” The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for SAS users and providers to come together to discuss common needs and issues, to learn from each other’s experiences, discuss current best practices, hear about emerging techniques, and when possible to identify areas where the field/state of the art could be improved by bringing together the people that are interested and able to work cooperatively to solve the problem. Since the goal of the workshop is to foster discussion and collaborations on issues affecting the global sas community (nomadic small-angle scatterers) besides participating in the discussion sessions, please consider submitting a poster. Posters are excellent ways to provide ideas and information that can be used to start or enhance discussions.
” Thanks, and I hope to see many of you in Japan
” Paul Butler (for the canSAS VIII organizing committee)”
As for my involvement in this, a quick Twitter exchange with ESSS’s Andrew Jackson led to my inclusion in the program as a presenter and discussion leader. I hope to be setting off a discussion on instrumental artifacts, so if you have seen or assessed some and would like to talk about it, please feel free to join this session and/or contact me.
My talk in the morning before that is one I proposed on the modular data reduction scheme I am currently using. It is one which so far has served me quite well, and I am quite confident that it is flexible enough to be extended to a wider range of experiments. It seems to be one of the few that can propagate uncertainties through the corrections, and where the corrections are well separated, rearrangeable and tractable, and the scheme could serve as the back-end of a GUI-driven data correction approach. However, I may be very wrong in my assessment, and therefore would really like to get some external input on it. This talk will hopefully fullfill that goal.
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