On Monday the 9th of September, I’ll be heading to Dectris in Switzerland to give a public talk about the automatic and complete data corrections we’ve developed together with our colleagues from the Diamond Light Source. If you have a chance to drop by, please do! Otherwise, the talk will be made available afterwards as a webinar here.
It’s a little hard to get to from here, but I will be webinaring it.
It would be good to have a resource to explain (to me and my users!) individual steps and data manipulations to get from as-collected data through transmission correction, background removal, and everything else to get to analysis-ready data.
Also, the software you refer to, is it available for general use? Using excel and doing manual calculations is starting to be a little annoying…
Hello Matthew,
The talk is now online here, but doesn’t discuss the individual corrections (as there are quite many of them). The “Everything SAXS”-paper discusses most of them, and the later “modular data corrections”-paper discusses a few more.
The software which has the vast majority of corrections implemented at the moment is DAWN from the Diamond Light Source. It’s an open-source software package with a GUI, but with very little in the way of guidance. We can do a screen sharing session where I can explain where to find things. I can also send you a processing pipeline we use, so that you immediately have a decent correction sequence to start from.
What you need for this to work is a NeXus file to start from