While we wait for the referee reports to come in on the Data Analysis Round Robin paper submitted in January, I’ve put the preprint manuscript on the ArXiv (as initially promised, and have now finally gotten around to). This is now available at: http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.03772
In addition, the paper also links to the original data sent out to the participants, as well as to the (anonymized) datasets and jupyter notebooks used for the analysis. This is part of our attempt at opening up our science (more on that in another post). Hopefully, there are a few more conclusions that others can draw by investigating the results. Certainly, the four datasets (now well characterized) may serve as reference datasets for training purposes.
The Round Robin led to some interesting conclusions, and highlights a few low-hanging fruit where our community can make significant improvements easily. I hope these can be implemented to get a world in which we can compare each other’s findings on all those amazing novel materials with confidence and ease. Once we can do this, meta-studies should become that much easier.
Apropos, as mentioned before, I also made the presentation available that I presented at the SAS2022 conference. That one is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1Rowo–Osg