A new year, seven publications to write and a short movie

Dear scatterers,

First of all, allow me to wish you a very happy 2013, wishing you much comfort, many good meetings and world peace.

With that out of the way, this year might be different from others on this weblog, as I have to spend oodles of time on my “favourite” activity: trying to publish. Since there were hardly any publications last year, this year must be better (or I will “perish”, as the saying goes). There are seven publications in the pipeline as indicated by the title, though only three with me as first author. So please check the website’s “publications” section by the end of this year, and you will see how far I’ve managed to come with that by then.

One of the publications that hopefully will come out first is on the 1D Monte-Carlo method, which will allow for the retrieval of form-free size distributions after assuming an elementary shape (spheres are the prime choice, but it also works with isotropic cylinders). On top of that, it will give you uncertainties on the size distributions the quality and reliability of which are directly related to the uncertainties on your measured intensities. Anyway, once that is published, rest assured that I will announce it here (it has been one hurdle for me, so I will be very happy to see it out there).

The Python code used for this is freely available, currently the final touches are being put on a good, clean variant which should be available very soon. For the restless, please drop me a line and the code can be sent your way.

Other publications will be about (amongst others) the 2D Monte-Carlo method for anisotropic scattering patterns, as presented at the SAS2012 conference, and a paper applying the 1D Monte-Carlo method to precipitate growth in magnesium alloys (the ArXiv link to an early draft was posted a few weeks ago here: arXiv:1210.5366). So all in all, this will be a busy year when it comes to paperwork.

Anyway, I do not want to remain in the shadows for the entire year, so I decided to upload some more videos this year. I started the series off with a short explanation on the “classical” way of fitting scattering patterns, in a short demonstration that I used at SAS2012. This recording (shown below, or on youtube here) was simple and quick, and your host was suffering from an allergy attack, so please forgive the movie its faults. I hope it is fun nonetheless, and with this, I will sign off on this blog post. Another post will be ready in a few weeks!

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