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Live FT video

2011-02-04 Brian 1

A demonstration of the live Fourier Transform showing scattering patterns can be seen here:

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Live Fourier transform

2011-02-03 Brian 10

During some recent presentations, I have used a small matlab program giving me a live Fourier transform of the laptop camera input. It can be […]

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Notes on Guinier

2011-01-02 Brian 3

…well, his famous SAXS analysis method. This documentGuinier_short, copyright Brian Pauw gives a short description and review of the applicability of the Guinier method to […]

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Monte-Carlo Code

2010-12-21 Brian 2

Hi all, Herewith a preliminary release of the Monte-Carlo code for fitting SAXS patterns. Documentation will follow, as will a movie and more. MCFit_sph.m Check […]

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Sorry for the delay

2010-12-10 Brian 0

Hi all, Sorry for the big wait. It is not over yet, but I am working on it. More posts hopefully soon although I cannot […]

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More Youtube videos

2010-10-31 Brian 0

So, I could not do what I promised last time, the Monte-Carlo fitting works on perfect simulated scattering patterns but is as of yet unable […]

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One more paper

2010-09-16 Brian 0

Do not fret, for I have more software (with documentation!) lined up for presentation on this website soon, but I am still working on the […]