We’ve had a really good set of entries for the data analysis round robin already, 28 so far. However, we suspect that we need at least 50 entries to be able to extract some reliable statistics, and therefore we need to extend the deadline by three weeks in the hope we’ll reach the 50 mark at that point.
If you have been amongst the “on time” group of participants, we really really appreciate your effort and hope you can sit tight a bit longer. Meanwhile, please feel free to encourage your colleagues to join as well if they haven’t already.
If you wanted to join, but haven’t had the chance yet, now’s your chance! Please download the four datasets and fill out the answer sheet, and send it in by the 24th of April. I really hope to see you join the team!
Here’s a handy link to the original post: https://lookingatnothing.com/index.php/archives/3274
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