The making of… a SAXS presentation
Over the last few weeks, I have been working mostly on preparing presentations. It’s not just for the upcoming fun European Tour, but I also […]

Video: The bits of a SAXS machine
This week, I decided it’s time for another short video. Since I have never actually shown a SAXS machine, I thought it’d be of interest […]

Guest Post by Dr. Grégory Stoclet: Crazy deformation of polymers, studied with in-situ SAXS.
[ED: I’ve started asking around for guest contributions for the LookingAtNothing site, in order to provide a broader view of the SAS-related activities that I […]

LookingAtNothing On Tour!
Through a combination of events (and Twitter), my visit to the Diamond Synchrotron has become the nucleation site for a whole host of talks throughout […]

12 corrections in a row
Just a couple of housekeeping notes: I’m giving talks in Europe in a month at the following locations: Unité Matériaux et Transformations (UMET), Lille on […]

I’ve been working on a lot of things of late, but none are yet in a state to show here yet. However, when talking to […]

Does it matter part 4.2: The actual flatfield
Last week, I talked about how to determine whether a flatfield correction was necessary. Data from a Bruker Hi-Star detector was shown to have very […]

Does it matter part 4: flatfield correction on a Bruker HiStar wire detector
See the previous posts in this series here: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 Very recently, Bruker upgraded their SAXS instrument in our building. […]

Fancy background subtraction: an initial look
As indicated last week, some spare time has been spent trying to re-derive a correction for separating sample container scattering from the sample itself. Normally, […]