After this year’s successful trial, we’re gearing up for the second run in March 2020, here at the main BAM campus in Berlin. The four-day course is intended for Ph.D. students and postdocs in the materials science and chemistry fields, who want to find out what scattering (SAXS/WAXS) can add to their project. As before, we will measure one or two samples (and associated backgrounds) for every participant beforehand, so that everyone gets to work with their own data during the course. Throughout the course, there is ample opportunity to discuss the data and your project with the lecturers and your fellow participants. This year, there will also be a number of lectures given remotely via video-conferencing. A select number of lectures will also be recorded and made available on the internet afterwards (provided the technical side of things work without issues).
As the principle of the course revolves around personal guidance, it puts quite a burden on the lecturers. This necessitates a strict limitation of no more than 20 participants. If you are interested in joining the course, please send a brief e-mail to scattering@bam.de. We will then send you an (Excel) project form (also available at the end of this article), where you can fill in some details on your project and your samples. If we are oversubscribed, we will make a selection based on the technical details in these forms. Deadline for submission of the project forms is January 10, the selection will take place the next week, and samples are expected to be sent to us by the end of January at the latest (the earlier the better).
Please check out the workshop BAM website, as well as the PDF and proposal form below, and do mention the option to your colleagues and (fellow) students. The course and lunch are free of charge, but travel and hotel costs must be arranged and borne by the participant. Each participant is expected to bring healthy dose of interest, and a laptop of their own (with Windows, OS X or Linux). Exact details on which software to install beforehand will be communicated in due time.
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